Author: Laura

Sustainable Development: ** Starts For You

October 7, 2013


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The search for the development sustentaveldeve to be something first personal, therefore demonstrates to the agreement decade on this necessity, and thus the work in team will only make adiferena to reach the waited results so that if terum can better world for this generation and the next ones. To be sustainable, estimates the first moment only in the ambitosocial, harms and necessary that possamo to go beyond this simple assumption, therefore he is resulted of all the personal acts that if practise all osdias, since the choice of a product come of not sustainable origin ata lack of commitment and devotion the social causes in the way where sevive. The great companies have a great parcel of culpanodesiquilibrio that today exists, harms to deny perhaps that talvezproporcionalmente the small enterprises contribute maisnegativamente that these companies can be something made a mistake. Both precisamesta in accordance with the rules you specify of its activities, nojustifica to leave of side its obrigao with the sustentablidade alone for queainda if she is a small company. It is clearly that she is necessary that has development, harms what seprecisa to understand is the cost of that this development estacontencendo, therefore if so that it aconte is used more recursosque the necessary one to keep what he is used for this and asfuturas generations, this development will not be sustainable. One is paper decade to be to charge all to its redor its participation econcientizao on the subject and that all can contribute so that sustainable hajadesenvolvimento in sau house, quarter and city. When if it had is expression, if it is necessary to have in mind that oprincipal objective and obligation of each one, it is to make use of that setem available in resources but in such way that the generations futurastenham the same chance and conditions that today have been offered. Personal Acontribuio, either with a project to plant trees, sejapara to teach devoid communities to develop new chances dese to have alternative incomes, or only one group that helps the pessoascarentes in social projects, everything this will generate positive impacts noambito social-economic-ambient, and only based in this tripexistara so longed for sustainable development.

Organic Substances

October 6, 2013


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1 INTRODUCTION the ground is not constituted only of particle remaining portion of rocks, but also of remaining portions of plants and animals. The particles of the rocks are the mineral components and the remaining portions of plants and animals are the organic components. The present work has the intention synthetically to show to the definition of organic substance as well as its importance for the balance and fertility of the ground. Inside of this context, it is discoursed on the humificao processes and mineralizao, later becomes one brief communication the use of the organic substance in sustainable agriculture and conclusive they emphasize it importance of its diverse papers in the use and the conservation of the ground. 2 DEFINITION OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCE the organic substance of the ground is composed for the remaining portion of plants and animals. The USA organic word because one mentions the remaining portions to it of organisms, and these in turn are formed mainly by organic composites between which it has four great groups.

The carboidratos and proteins are most important, as much one as the other possesss a fast decomposition, contributing for the nutrients of the ground, as nitrogen (n), match (p) and sulphur (s). Another one is the lignina, a highly resistant composition, that persists in the ground being part of hmus. Finally, we have the lipdios (added with waxes and resins), that also they are component resistant and they contribute with sulphur (s) and match (p) for the ground (GUCHERT, ROUSSENQ GRANDSON, 2007, P. 23). Therefore we can define all material organic substance as of organic origin in high state of decomposition. 3 the IMPORTANCE OF the ORGANIC SUBSTANCE OF the GROUND the presence of organic substance is basic for the maintenance of the micron and mesobiota of the ground, therefore the action of the decompositores on this substance goes to return to the ground the necessary nutrients so that the beings livings creature that inhabit the ground can acquire energy to survive and also to keep the balance and the conservation of the ground.

State Reduction

September 26, 2013


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The National Plan of Reforma Agrria (PNRA) was elaborated by INCRA and had counted on the participation of known defenders of the agrarian reform, of syndical controllers and assessors, tied to the Contag and ace too much entities of representation of workers in the field. The Constitution of 1988, the Reformation and subject of it I capitulate Economic Order and Social it appears for the first time in a Brazilian Constitution. In it was assured that the property must take care of its social function. The Constitution also universalizou the previdencirios rights that the agricultural workers and familiar producers, understanding one to it high degree of covering the level of minimum wage. In accordance with Favero (1998), the year of 1991 was of the great agricultural reforms, with the adoption of the first National Agricultural Law (n 8,171) and of the complementary Law (n 8174) essentially aiming at to open the space for the market.

The law considers the increase of the participation of the private sector in the commercialization of agricultural products, the reduction of the State in the importation of agricultural products and definition of clear rules in the control publishes in the supplies. At the beginning of 1992, all the barriers you would not tariff I deal for it of rice, soy and staple fibres had been abolished, and the differentials between the taxes of agricultural interests and of the market had been reduced encarecendo the credit. Since then you vary other measures they had been adopted, leading to an increasing flexibilizao and will desregularo of the sector (1998, P. 47-48). As it describes Freire (1999, P. 82) in the first half of years 1990, two elements can be detached in the Brazilian agricultural politics: 1. The process of commercial opening of the economy, with the reduction of the aliquot ones of importation of farming products and of you scheme and agricultural insumos; implying the entrance of agricultural products mattered to concur with the national production; 2.Abandono of the PGPM and reduction I credit of it agricultural, with substitution of the sources you publish for private sources.

Additional Tip

August 31, 2013


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Make itself is important, but is not the goal, the most important thing is that being that you generate with you. I.e., enjoy what you do, choose to do things as a pretext to enjoy your day. Remember, a way to strengthen your self-esteem is to get goals and meet them: because you know within yourself that you meet your commitments with yourself, that increases your respect for yourself, your unwavering confidence and your sense of efficacy. If you have course that want to do, what hours you can do best and how you want to do so, your personal performance increase and your satisfaction also. Additional Tip: If something is very difficult to start, starts equal and say to yourself that you will only do for 10 minutes; Although not complete it may have noticed first step that often tends to be the most difficult.2 Additional Tip: albeit the quality of what we do is important, to seek perfection can be a symptom of postponement; dare to have confidence in your abilities and the same way of doing will show you the keys to excellence. Remember: We do according to how we are, but we can also be according to the way how we do.In such a way that if you start by doing what better can, by learning curve, you will do better with time and it will take you to become more efficient.

It starts now! * ALL find time to do what you really want do * * time runs slow for those that ESPERANMUY fast for those that TEMENMUY long for those that SUFRENMUY short for those that is DIVIERTENY for those that love the time is eternal * are going to choose to live time from now with what the emotions described above?Remember: Only need one person to change your life: your. If you want to understand Act! how has impacted it this article?Enriches this place with your comments. do have problems in this topic? I can help you. Be to create the life you want. Enriches this space with your valuable comments do have problems in this area of your life? I can help you contact me. original author and source of the article.

Wealth Project

July 29, 2013


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The problems that arise are: o Uncertainty about the actual system response to the impact generated by the project. You can estimate the answer but sometimes it is difficult to determine what the actual behavior of the system to change. o Lack of information about the project or strong deviations from it which may be significant in determining the overall impact of it. To quantify the impacts arise somehow impact indicators, which have to be: o Relevant. or reliable.

Representatives of the impact to be measured. Exclusive, ie that its value mainly involved measuring the impact and other factors. or completed. Identifiable and measurable (although the fact should not be obsessed quantify everything, because you can always go to categories semiquantitative or qualitative measures) Impact indicators can be designed with two approaches: either Reductionist (Simple: Temperature, pH, concentration of pollutants, floor area, etc.).. Disadvantages: high number of variables which leads to a high number of indicators and difficult to synthesise the impacts when the overall assessment. Advantages: simple, easy to measure.

or Holistic (structural indices: Diversity, Wealth, P / B, Complexity food webs, species abundance curve, etc.).. Disadvantages: dilution effects on global indicators mask important impacts. Advantages: indices with a very synthetic nature. Impact assessment methodology. A. Identification of project activities: – To amend the land use. – To exploit natural resources. – That emit contaminants. – To induce secondary impacts. – To induce natural hazards. B. Identification of factors in the MA susceptible. – Indicators of impact. – Indices of structure.

Credo Ecclesiam

July 22, 2013


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In the symbol of the Apostles, we do believe that there is a Holy Church (Credo Ecclesiam), and profession not to believe in the Church not to confuse God with their works and to be clearly attributed to the goodness of God all the gifts he has put in his Church. (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church # 750).Realizing that profess the creed we affirm believe that there is a Catholic Church, and to assert that it is one, we are recognizing that it is undivided, unitary, Indivisible and integral, and that there is unity in it. In the creed we affirm not believing in the Catholic Church as unique and odd; catholicity is a property and received of him who is the only participation and in whom We believe. 2. In an admirable manner we affirm that there where Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church (cfr C.I.C No. 830), and for this reason the Church feels United for many reasons with all those who are honored with the name of Christians because of baptism, although they do not profess faith in his integrity or not to retain the unity of the communion under the successor of Peter (cfr C.I.C No.

838); and although it is difficult to understand, we must accept that mankind is Catholic by definition and that those who have not yet received the Gospel are also ordered the people of God in various ways (cf. C.I.C No. 839) and all men, therefore, are invited to this Catholic village of Dios a unit this unit they belong in different ways or she Catholics are intended, other Christians and even all men in general called to salvation by the grace of God (cfr C.I.C No. 836), among them the Jews because those gifts and vocation of God are irrevocable (Rm 11.29), and Muslims who profess the faith of Abraham and worship with us the unique and merciful God who will judge men by the end of the world (cf.

Your Important Web Site

July 17, 2013


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Your business website can be considered as the key that will lead you to the success or failure of your goal. It is the face, kindness and professionalism that must have anyone wishing to sell any product or service.Describes you as a person. Online we have sites that do attract millions of visitors who stay, they buy and that they return again and again. So that your web site will achieve this happen should take a look at the following factors; among them: the design must be done with care, with neatness, passing by the aspect that will generate confidence, the use of colors with harmony, an adequate and effective commercial strategy, the rapid deployment of the page itself and the use of keywords that lead to your niche market. Suppose an example. We visited two greengrocers, where the first shows the products hygienic and organized. Their staff is nice and friendly, they are smiling and clean in their dress.

And the second grocery store, on the other hand, we observe that not they are the products ordered and without good presence. And to make matters worse, is staffed by a scruffy and sweaty person and also little friendly. Therefore, it is obvious which of the two fruit shops will do our shopping. Similarly happens with our web site. If we have done it with impeccable, friendly presence and generate confidence, and if those who arrive there belong to the niche market adequate to our products and services that we promote, there is the strong possibility that will be the time that makes missing and probably buy what sells. The basic importance of a web site is such that it can be considered as a reflection of who you are and the product that represents. It is crucial to make known, rather than as a great professional, an expert of what speaks to your niche market.

Your website is the only contact with your potential customers. It should be a friendly contact. You must create an atmosphere of confidence and capable of pleasing them so that they wish to stay and buy, and more importantly, to bring you back again and again. You must work and be proposed business is repetitive. Definitely, your web site can do is a success selling that intends to make your product or service, or simply fails in its purpose. Original author and source of the article.

The Relations

July 16, 2013


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This puts an end to explain why properly, use the imagination through well-designed displays, It causes that the personality, the way of thinking, mood and even physical health are becoming a reality. Visualizing is cause the brain to send signals to the body to make you feel and live the joy, well-being, security and other emotions that want to provoke in our personality and our life. In addition, the visualizations give changes in our brain, which becomes stronger and more able to react in a positive way, automatically, to the most varied situations of life. Our brain literally grows and strengthens the connections of neurons that generate the emotions that we have scheduled with the display. Thus, the visualizations generate mental and emotional habits that make us react automatically in the way in which we have displayed.

They generate a new personality if we so want it. And a new way of being is always the key to obtain new results in life. Our way of relating with others, face the problems of the life, take the opportunities and risks in professional life and in general everything that surrounds us, becomes positive, appropriate and efficient as more visualizations exercises build our new way of being. Joy, harmony in the relations of friendship, work, couple or family, professional ability or physical health, all aspects of life are transformed and grow bringing us success and well-being through visualization. This is why that, regardless of reality or falseness of the metaphysical level attributed to the law of attraction, is sure the visualizations are key to transform our attitudes, thoughts, and emotions, and thereby our life. In addition, if the metaphysical side prove true, visualize, not only our interior will be positive, but that also attract all physical circumstances to achieve and have the life you want. Original author and source of the article.

Robert Kiyosaki

July 11, 2013


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To enterprising people that go in pursuit of their most sublime dreams, selling is much more than do the other buy, because we are talking precisely about making dreams reality, that is what we sell. To be able to sell our dreams, we have to have dreams that can share also and that way, not to mention people with attitudes, but speak to your spirit: best sellers are the best leaders this is by talking to the spirit of people power all great teachers have been sellers. Look at Jesus Christ, Buddha, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Mohamed. Robert Kiyosaki great leaders almost always went through very similar circumstances that you can be going now. You speak from you and from what is happening inside you, in your heart, because you ever experienced something very similar or equal. That makes them to share experience and knowledge from the spirit of the man.

Finally, you also need constantly reinforce that rejection is part of the process of growth and learning. To be rejected we can improve and above all understand that rejection is just one way confirm us our value and grow in perseverance, discipline, and knowledge. Finally remember this: no There are people with great success not to be rejected by many people. The great leaders in the history of man had, sometime maybe more rejection than acceptance. Poor people are poor because they cannot sell or have nothing to sell. A poor nation is a nation with nothing to sell or a nation that can’t sell what you have. The same is true with a person.

There are many very talented people, but they cannot sell their talents. They can be very smart, but they are simply mediocre communicators. If you are looking to be successful in life, then search be rejected more times and then make the necessary corrections Robert Kiyosaki affectionately, your friend. Until the next. Cyntia C. Capitanachi original author and source of the article.

Representation Social Theme

July 7, 2013


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Many are the elements that can explain the genesis of social representations. However, neither all have the same importance. Some are essential and others secondary. It is, therefore, important to know, understand, and act in the field of social representation, respecting your organization wants to say, the hierarchy of the elements that constitute it and the relationships these elements, angostamente, among themselves. (Fabric, 2003, p.60-61). by AC MONOGRAPH and help DIDATICA from among the elements that deserve more clarifications, highlighted two processes sociocognitive acting, dialectically, in the formation of social representations: the objectification and the anchor, and their splits as the downtown core and the peripheral system.

Objectification may be defined as the transformation of an idea, a concept, or an opinion on something concrete. It crystallizes from a figurative and social process and happens to constitute the downtown core of a particular representation, then evoked, concretized and disseminated and you are outside the real of those who express it. Many authors recognize that the downtown core constitutes the essential element of representation, not limited to a generic role, and that the attribution of essential characteristic, granted to the downtown core, relies on the fact of being the element that determines the meaning of representation and at the same time, contributes to its internal organization. It is necessary to reiterate that the downtown core, for its part, is determined by the nature of the object and the system of values and social norms that constitute the ideological context of the group. Yet, is in the area of the downtown core that social representations can crystallise, solidify and stabilize from the linking of ideas, messages of homogenization reificadas, which are mediated by specific actions and, basically, resistant the changes. By way of illustration, we accompany the following story. In research made by Dagmar Zibas and daughter-in-law Krawczyk in one public school in the State of Ceara, a stretch of interview made with the school principal, concerned with the commitment of the workers in what refers to the fulfillment of work schedules, register operators have to work six hours live the worker came and said I only work half an hourI know produce in half an hour I said no Lady and she said owner which is yours? this is not mine, nor is yours, it is public, I do not know why so much demand you is damaged.