Economically Perfect

June 5, 2024


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Inside a cocoon was created a life, inside an egg is born a life, a child is born within a mother. Life is the maximum result of creation. Once asked me a grandfather, and he told me, tell me something, do you’re perfect?, and I told him, not for anything I have many imperfections. Random House to gain a more clear picture of the situation. l I continue asking and said, do if enfermedad in a supreme being is this perfect?. And I told him, well if I believe in a supreme being and it is perfect.

Then the old me argues, and someone who is perfect creates imperfect things?. And go I leave you speechless. I didn’t know that answer. Musk brings even more insight to the discussion. And that message of that old calo within my soul and I understood what he meant and he was that imperfection is part of the perfection and that one without the other would not exist. So every time that commit a mistake think about it and try to do better. This trial and error do that things will improve and be perfected.

No doubt that old was right. Holzer, another great source of information. Then I thought that my economy was not so well, but it was perfectible. Earn more or less win is a process that can be improved. And I gave the task to my small business give a spin, and I said others have managed to achieve a fluid, improved administrative procedure and have done so with much trial and error. So I started to look for advisers, talked with other small business owners, and humbly taught me and my business grew. Its imperfections led them to be perfected and a my also. Economically I never want to be perfect, because if I never make mistakes I will never improve.