Insecurity And Economy

May 15, 2024


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Monterrey, N.L., Mexico.-we have no choice but to get up in arms, said a well-known member of the Visual Arts: the current economy makes the largest gap between those who have more and those who have less. York Life . -Get up early. Get to work, was hurtful but at the same time I knew the caller response. You may wish to learn more. Krzanich is the place to go. -Is that the wave of abductions is the order of the day, defended the other. Vasan has been very successful. -Yes, but only kidnapped have that money.

What you complain? The opinion of a psychologist and a sociologist need to understand the wave of national violence: is the product of an economy that dilutes the middle class and that polarizes society: rich and poor. The concentration of wealth in their own hands and the consistent activity of squeezing far as possible to the population, must end. The parents of the free market economy, United States, show us that it is possible to defend the population. The town is the base of its economy and part of well-paid salaries and assures those who become unemployed with a cheque monthly. Monopolies have been punished.

Nelson Rockefeller’s standard Oil was split into four large companies: Exxo Mobil, Chevron and Texaco. The telephone Bell monopoly was split into four large companies known as the Bell babys. In Mexico, the near-monopoly of Telmex was reflected in number portability that threw a chilling fact: 49 percent of fixed phones of the country cannot be changed because in those areas there is no other phone companies which have focused their investments in the so-called golden triangle. Invest you, invites you the spot of Telmex. Instead, in area supermarkets, a war without quarter are living and this is beneficial to the population with the arrival of American companies such as Wal Mart and HEB they sell really cheaper than national ones. They are currently engaged in a war of 3 by 2.