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Country House

April 2, 2024


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“The TV channel RTL is giving away a ‘ flair 121 s ‘ from 17 to 21 December 2012 of the TV channel RTL is giving away a flair 121 S”, worth 250,000 euros, the nationwide leading provider of solid House town & country house. “The draw starts on 17 December 2012 in the RTL midday magazine Punkt 12″and has the Gewinnerhaus flair 125 S 2012 ends on December 21 as a special model for the House raffle of RTL the special touches of the most popular town country houses”, explains Jurgen Dawo, founder of the town & country house. It is based on our highly successful House series. Cowens: the source for more info. flair, we sell more than 1,000 times in different equipment per year” The flair 125 S”has one of 125 square meters of living space and a plethora of individual design possibilities. hawk to learn more. The modern House has a very lowest energy requirement for heating and hot water, thanks to the construction as KfW is here Energieeinsparverordnung 70th it not just one lucky winner, but also the environment is spared on special way”is Jurgen Dawo sure. About town & country: Town & country, a company founded in 1997 in Behringen (Thuringia, Germany) House is the leading provider of solid House in Germany with about 300 franchise partners. Over 30 houses of types of form the basis of the business concept, which enable low-cost construction of high quality through its modular construction of the system.

Town & country caused a House for new standards in the construction industry with the introduction of three house building – letters included in the purchase price of a House, that reduce the risk of the client before, during and after the construction of the House. With the development of energy-saving and solar houses, town & country takes into account House the cost explosion in the energy markets. “Town & country was awarded for his house several times: in addition to the franchise dealer price (2003) the ECS strategy award (2004) include, the third place in the sales award” of the trade paper (2005), as well as the German franchise holder price to the most prestigious awards in 2006. 2007 town & country of the title of knowledge manager was of the Year 2006 “awarded. Jurgen Dawo, founder of the company has been awarded the strategy Prize 2009 “award. The Harvard Club of Germany Gabriele and Jurgen Dawo drew with the German entrepreneur award 2010 “in the category of franchise. Company contact Sebastian Reif town & country house licensor GmbH main street 90 E, 99820 Horselberg Hainich OT Baguio Belastingen Tel: 036254-7 51 20 fax: 036254-7 52 22 E-Mail: press contact Siccma media GmbH Annette painter Tel.