Tag: trade

Visual Merchandising

March 21, 2024


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Globe presented there its self-developed solutions for sales support and employee information via large screens Cologne, December 2008 members and guests the Visual Merchandising initiative E.v. Gillman. (VMI) met Wendel on December 3, 2008 at the invitation of IT-chef Franz Herter in the headquarters of the Globus SB Warenhaus holding GmbH & Co.KG in Saarland St.. Globe presented its self-developed solutions for sales support and employee information via large screens there. Krzanich. Of which are now installed in the SB department stores of the company over 90 pieces, in addition to more than 60 digital monitors in the checkout areas and 70 screens in the operation scales, which transmit also customer information and advertising. We want to make tangible the uniqueness of globe in advertising and there build a positive, emotional relationship with our customers”, so Franz Herter put the target for the project.

He sees the IT infrastructure as a basis for such pioneering innovations. Installed are the systems today not only in the stores but also in restaurants and gas stations. All content is centrally developed and made available to the users. This has one developed its own system for Globe content amazingly simple way and manner can be collected and updated. Future research in the own House between the DFKI (German Research Center for artificial intelligence, based in Kaiserslautern, Saarbrucken, Bremen and Berlin) and globe is a strategic partnership since 1 October 2008. DFKI is the leading research institution in Germany in the field of innovative software technology. To the two partners at the World Headquarters established together a new research laboratory spiral in St.

The innovative retail laboratory “, short IRL, researched, developed and tested innovative solutions in trade and logistics, especially the customers bring more benefits when shopping. This latest research findings in the field of innovative software systems, the artificial will Linked to intelligence, the human-technology interaction, of wireless sensor networks, mobile broadband and the Internet of things and services to innovative sales and shopping assistance systems. To the operation of this new laboratory with 500 sqm area will fund an endowed chair and a DFKI research team globe for three years. The VMI: The VMI is a consortium of companies from industry, trade and services and wants to help out in supermarkets and specialty stores out of the dilemma of information overload. The Association carries out scientific studies and thus identifies trends for future-oriented merchandising at the point of sale.