Month: November 2013


November 30, 2013


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In diverse times of bureaucratic and authoritarian form, the Brazilian authorities want to condemn the professors, however the support lack with that it cures the difficulties of Ensino has been enormous instead of increasing the wage, to enable the professional and to improve its conditions of work, from top to bottom imposes new guides or curricular proposals written by some few professors related with the state machine. Therefore, for Lacoste cited for Vesentini (2008), in the sample that the education of Geography in them puts an important responsibility: the formation of the future citizens, therefore for it the difficulty to teach these you discipline is very complicated and delicate, therefore an intense previous formation of the professors is indispensable also. To change the reality requires modifications in all the pertaining to school structure, leaving of the professor to leave the standard stipulated in the didactic books that many times present differentiated reality of the place where the pupils live, using this thought of Castrogiovanni evidences that: So that this change occurs, the professors and the institution of the School in the salt complexity must be engaged with what we call to make society and citizenship. The school must provoke educating to know and to conquer its place in the world in a teia of social justice seems to be simple, but not, he is at least challenging as all practical pedagogical. (CASTROGIOVANNI, 2007, p.44). In this context she is necessary to win these difficulties to become significant the context of the lessons for the pupils being been that Geographic science for dealing directly with the reality, opens a possibility fan to work its subjects in the school..

Auguste Escoffier Restaurant

November 28, 2013


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The history of the restaurants is associated with each region or country, however, century XIX if it becomes the landmark when the Delmonico brothers had opened in New York a salty candy house and, where also they served coffee. The behavior of the people starts to move, therefore, before this who it had income enough to frequent the restaurants did not make, preferring it its proper houses or house of friends to carry through its meals, and the restaurant service was a function until then, ' ' in baixa' ' at the time. One years after being opened the first restaurant for the Delmonico brothers in the United States, the art of degustar foods and drinks started to be recognized as a part important of the experience to eat. It was not enougher to serve a good food in public place, was necessary that this had attractive aspect, that was served in way educated, folloied them better wines and in most pleasant environments. The behavior in the scene of would hotelaria starts to move with the arrival of the Swiss, Ceasar Rtiz, that if becomes General Manager of the Grand National Hotel in Lucerna, Switzerland, in the 1870 end, promotes of the season of July and August special that pass then to be frequented by duchesses and condessas that, in this same time they did not frequent nor the halls of ball nor the restaurants of London and Paris, and when they start to frequent modify the public of the restaurants. In 1880, Ritz knew Auguste Escoffier and when forming society became the act to frequent restaurants fashionable. Escoffir and Ritz were followed by its clientele, in which if inclua the royalty, for where it wants that they were. In the turn of the century, to eat outside became a respectable behavior, exactly between high classroom of London, whose the representatives had started to frequent with its wives.

Shinder Women Happiness

November 27, 2013


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Man is endowed by nature the property that causes it to perform women’s desires and whims, to protect and preserve the family. Where is the failure occurred in the harmonious combination of male and female nature? If reproduction was always the dominant desire of people, but nowadays the relationship between a man and a woman does not different from the times of primitive society. The root of the problems of marriage and family is that man is continually developing creation, which always are born more and more desire, requiring filling. In modern society, raging passion: more money, more fame, honor, respect, more autonomy and independence. Moreover, encouraging a race for prestige, it is women, leaving no hope but this race someday lead. Maybe that’s why a century ago was organized by the feminist movement to liberate women from ‘family bondage’ and give the opportunity to fully participate in all spheres of life society.

Success in building a society where women enjoy the protection and unconditional preferential rights, has led to a paradoxical result. The woman not only lost the appeal to men as long-term partner, but she lost interest in the family way of life. It happened naturally, because rebuilding the society under its own interests, feminists have created a simple model of an ideal man. All institutions of modern society, ranging from hospitals and ending with the courts and the police have taken over the functions to be performed by a man. In this scenario, the woman feels completely independent and not dependent on their ‘men and can successfully compete with him in any field. Such an emancipated person of quite a number do not need brute masculine strength. For its part, the male part population does not want to associate themselves with a completely self-sufficient, well-protected persons of the female – it contradicts the very essence of man’s nature.

Thus, instead of a solid family, we have artificial entity consisting of individuals of the opposite sex, do not need each other. “You can not enter twice the same river” – spoken and sage was right – you can not revert to the old way of family life. Just needed restructuring of public consciousness in the understanding of how to build family relationships. No need to scoff at nature, she is able to retaliate, let’s learn to live as a man and woman are equally complement each other, equally felt its responsibility to society.

Professors People

November 26, 2013


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How good that people exist who make of its life an activity of love and devotion to the next one! People who, ahead the problem, do not give up, but if inquietam to such point that they entusiasmam themselves in searching solutions. Infatigveis, if delivers and loves what they make. t future in this idea. How good that people exist who love people! They place how them in the center of its lives and, confident, they believe that she is possible to happen substantial changes! They know that difficult moment is temporary and that, acting in the certain point, in the alias process and of the certain skill, these people can become owners of itself, autonomous worker, conscientious of its abilities and abilities. That good that mediators exist who want and believe a significant learning, capable for becoming the slow process of learning at a special moment, in a vital energy, an unconditional positive relation, therefore he knows that ' ' all belief is an energy factor that stimulates in them to busca.' ' That good that people exist who, if compromising to the life human being, they become this its reason, its reason of life. They they have an energy that it puts into motion, it stimulates and it makes to believe in the development of the intelligence of that they have learning problems. That good that people exist who believe that the other is capable, useful, competent, susceptible of substantial changes, worthy of all our devotion, that can be modified structurally through an experience of mediated learning, that can learn to think, to search strategies, to plan its work, to abstract, to apply its learnings in the life Each one of us can be this person who believes more the capacity of being something and that we do not scale, still, the top of our capacities. To believe itself and the other is the first step of the way to develop basic abilities and to get significant learnings How good that you exist, professor!

10 Tips To Become Thin

November 25, 2013


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It is necessary to have them in account at the time of plantearte to become thin, since they do not cost to you too much and they can help you to thin more than you think. At the time of carrying out a good dietetic planning you must consider these 10 advice: – To become thin is not fast. Ten patience, but you will be discouraged and you will not achieve your objectives. – At the outset it is thinned more quickly, later is something slower, you are not discouraged if you see that one week you become thin less than another one doing the same. – Exercise practices daily.

– Muvete when it is necessary. It raises the stairs instead of the elevator, sees in bicycle instead of in car. – If you are going to itch, itches healthy. It eats an apple instead of a chocolate. – You can darte a whim from time to time, but very from time to time.

– Noncommas less times to the day, eat more times to the day but in less amount. – If possible, you do the diet in company, or of oriented way on the other person, thus you will be able to share opinions. – The diet is habits to eat healthful, for that reason they are for always, you do not have to lose them. You do not go to a pharmacy, or supermarket or herboristeria without before to have considered my advice.

National System

November 24, 2013


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From this experience, it was verified that as much the REJ how much excessively units of conservation that form this extensive green spot in regional scale were managed and managed in broken up way, in individualizadas protecting areas, with a head for each one of them. An immediate question that appeared to the group was as it was the communication between these areas (in case that it existed) for the action accomplishment? Which instruments were used in the integration of broken up protecting areas? In terms of academic research, I folloied the process of invocation of meetings, had access to acts and plans, amongst other products of the management of protected areas, developed for the consulting board of the Bocaina mosaic, line saw on. From day 14 of December of 2007 I was enclosed in yahoogroups of the advice, what Introduction made possible the accompaniment of power to decide processes I.: We in the last few decades attend to a convergence politics each bigger time in direction the ambient questions. These politics if operate in diverse scales and involve actors of natures to also be able diverse, then involving factors very beyond the ecological ones. Expression of the complexity of the ambient politics, the mosaic aims at to integrate the management of the units of conservation. In accordance with the law of the National System of Units of Conservation, (law 9,985/2000), first article; one ' ' unit of conservation is a territorial space and its environmental resources, including territorial waters, with excellent natural characteristics, legally instituted for the Public Power, with objectives of conservation and defined limits, under special regimen of administration, which if apply adequate guarantees of proteo' '.

(SNUC, 2000). The System foresees, still, the creation of an instrument to integrate units of conservation continuous and/or overlapped space, intitled mosaic of units of conservation; as article 26. Its main objective is to assure the conservation of biodiversity, through the application of corridors ecological; to guarantee the sociodiversidade, through the creation of a managing instance regionalizada, the consulting board.


November 23, 2013


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One of the fruits of this development was the creation of some termosespecficos in the area of finances, as it is the case of the concept of Capitalizaton, that amongst the diverse conceptual terms we can suggest: to join to the capital, to transform into capital, to accumulate or to join money aiming at to form a capital. 1,3 Amortization In the composition of the paid installments in any species definanciamento two parcels are enclosed: one that if relates to the capital quefoi loaned, and other destined to the payment of constant interests in the financial regularcontrato. In reference to the Amortization, in the diverse workmanships especficasde mathematical financier consulted in the elaboration of this work foramencontradas definitions in the same direction, that is, is the parcel that correspondeao payment of the loaned capital.

As definition of the guide of financing of portalWinfinance, the amortization is the part of the payment that effectively diminishes osaldo wing. The referring part the interests does not diminish the value of the debt, the quesignifica to say that these are ‘ ‘ custos’ ‘ that if paid peloemprstimo. Thus, in the end of the operation, the addition of the amortization part detodas the installments must be equal to the value of the loan. The formula below wide is spread out in the literaturavoltada one to the financial area, and has intention to make possible a melhorvisualizao and agreement on this concept: Installment = Amortization + 1,4 Interests Indexation We know that emnosso is of remote time the existence of the inflation country, having, throughout time, diminished substantially its efeitosnefastos and in the current days reaches levels that arrive at the house of a digit, however this fact still cause a true terror to the population with oaumento, despite controlled, in the prices of the goods and services. Currently, economic asituao more is stabilized, however the population still continues to abide consequences of this mazela, although to be brightened up with the legal support of nossosistema.

The Service

November 22, 2013


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Of the psicanaltico point of view, we are as the babies who have its necessities readily taken care of by its mother, that is, we live the imediatismo, and thus we are sovereign. The adolescence if inserts in a psychological disposal for the discarding, where emotional the affective plan also it follows the rule of the dismissable one, a mark of the contemporaneidade that enaltece the adolescence and vitimiza the aged one. Being is instantaneous, dismissable, imediatista, and passes to be treated not as an affection between two people, and yes as a merchandise any, that can be negotiated. This culture and way of behavior invade the subjetividades solapando the classic figures of the identity of an individual. The imediatismo of being for the adolescent implies in not fixing the nothing and to nobody, with a praticidade character, that in will go it to the future to spray with diverse frustrations in the emotional scope. According to ROLNIK (1997) the adolescent ahead of the behavior to be, can be considered as a kit, as standard of available identity in the market for ample consumption, being also renewable. He has some time come close themselves observing changes in the organization of the family due the transformations in the affective bonds and the relationships that gave support to the traditional nuclear family.

Thus, the relations they pass more fluid, brief, instantaneous, to be diversified and unstable. As it designates GIDDENS (1991) the romantic love is giving place to the plastic love, something seemed as a business inside of a relation, and where it has validity stated period, that is, lasts while to last the co-satisfaction between the partners. For BAUMAN (1998) one another aspect of the affective relationship of the contemporaneidade, seated in the sexuality, is that before the sexuality was placed the service of a life project, and today the sexuality is placed simply in hedonista, egoistic, imediatista and also isolacionista way.

Brazilian Economy

November 21, 2013


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surgeporque the individuals and the companies finds practises to have a money reserve (money), for some unexpected one, in case that it has necessity or for transaesfuturas; *motivo speculation sooperaes> financiers who aim at only the profit, the reserves to speculate are sensvels variations of the taxes of interests. The demand for currency dependeda income and of the tax of interests and the circumstances of the economy in data moment. How much > or or or or < it will be the demand for currency. It offers of currency depends daorganizao on the financial system of each country. In a system where the lastreada currency (deposited) in gold, the amount of currency in circulation depends doestoque on deposited gold.

In a system without ballast, it is had currency trustee, based on the trust, in the confidence, and the responsible one for the control of the currency is oBanco Central (BC). It is the sender of the national currency, is an agency who controlaa offers of currency in the country and the related subjects it. The BC has funode: to *controlar the ofertamonetria; to *emitir the national currency; * to watch over for the value of the moedanacional; to *regulamentar and to fiscalize osistema financial. The commercial banks soinstituies that catch resources of demand deposits, of economizers, to paraemprestar them it the investors as I credit bank clerk. The profits veem dadiferena between what they are pleased as remuneration to the deposits and the interests querecebem of the loans. The commercial banks can create constituent currencies with base nasreservas on the demand deposits, that are the dosbancos obligations with the depositors, such deposits can be rescued the qualquerinstante.

D= R + and the reserves bancosconstituem that them on the deposits is of two types: *reserva obligatory is asparcelas of the deposits that the banks are obliged legally to deposit emsuas accounts next to the central banking, to be able to make front the suasobrigaes; *reserva voluntary sorecursos that the banks keep next to the central banking for option, not legal hobrigao.

The Psicopedaggica Performance Front To The Group Interpersonal Relations

November 21, 2013


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The interest appeared of the necessity of that the interaction happens between all, diminishing or even though curing existing gaps between the employees and, from now on, to help in the development and growth of the educative unit/company and, consequentemente, to desmembrar the groups with negative performances inside of these. Therefore, this work if makes excellent for the formation of affective bonds and the use of the interacionais relations/group refusals as useful in the development and growth of educative units/companies. In the scientific scope, it considers to collaborate in the combat to the formation of groups with negative performance and in the dismemberment of that already they had been formed, through the strategical creation of considered internal movements.

Socially, it will contribute in the interaction between the employee, employee employees//activities proposals, employees/direction and in the creation of new affective bonds. Word-key: psicopedaggica performance, interaction, growth, dismemberment. Introduction Has the gift, the purpose to raise the performance of psicopedagogo in the institucional scope, either in the Educational or Enterprise area and to define the interpersonal relations, the factors that influence the formation of groups or the exclusion of them and as to act in these relations, being the organization, the communication and the motivation of extreme importance in these environments. Since, due to great amount of people that they work in the majority of the educative units and in the companies, it is noticed formation of groups that want to be distinguished a little more than others, not searching the growth and the socialization between all, but yes, assuming inconvenient positions and imposing opinions nor always of common agreement, what it finishes generating failure in meeting of information and misunderstandings between employees, hindering the performance correct and waited by the direction. Moreover, in the work environment, it always has people that they possess more affinity with ones of what with others, what is normal in any group. However, those exist that are more bashful and have fear to demonstrate its interest and to even interact with that they have more time of service or they show to be more experienced.