Social Structure

May 12, 2016


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The social structure is many times in some teoriasapresentada in opposition to the social organization. The social structure corresponds estabilidade of one definitive society capable to characterize it, where aestrutura is subjects to the few circumstantial variations. In this direction, aestrutura tends if to differentiate of conjuncture (COAST, 2005, P. 393). Oliveira (1998, P. 191) appraises structure socialcomo one ‘ ‘ commanded set of chained parts that form one all, is atotalidade of the existing statuses numdeterminado social group or in one sociedade’ ‘ (grifo of the author). The author aindaressalta that the social structure is the static aspect of ‘ ‘ organization social’ ‘.

SegundoCosta (2005, P. 406) ‘ ‘ status is quedefine in one determined social structure, the position that each individual occupies nahierarquia of social papers estabelecidos’ ‘ (grifo of the author). The status comumente is called posiosocial, having been a comparative element enters the members of a society, capazde to determine norms, duties, rights privileges for its members. The social status serves to distinguish osmembros from a social group, sobrepujando situations of dependence, domination esubordinao. Oliveira (1998, P. 203) affirms that she is for the status that the individual is classified and for whose reference its conduta judged.

What to podeobservar itself it is a hierarquizada society. Where leadership functions socially remain in the top the privileged posiesmais corresponding its high prestige socialdesempenhando. According to Coast (2005, P. 407): Some statuses are optional, that is, depend on the agreement or not on the individual in assuming certain posiosocial, as, for example, the occupation of determined public offices. Other statuses are attributed and independem daescolha individual. In a family, for example, to occupy the position of avindepende of the will of who occupies. (grifo of the author) the social paper is configured as a set denormas, rights and duties that involve a person in its performance in umadeterminada institution, this social paper is attributed to it. The organized papers sociaisso of complementary and hierarchic form, and in such a way involve umgrande number of social actors. These forms of papers hierarquizadosencontraram in the social division of the work a form of organization of the work. Oliveira (1998, P. 198) when appraising social paper concludes that ‘ ‘ it is ocomportamento that the social group wait of any person who ocupedeterminado social status, is oaspecto dynamic of status’ ‘ (grifo doautor). When the individual ocupaum relative social status in umdeterminado group, this occupies a social status (OLIVEIRA, 1998, P. 199). On social structure, Coast (2005, P. 393) affirms that the study of the new technologies of information and communication it has levadoalguns authors to extend the structure concept in order to incorporate noode net? set of contracts indirect right-handers and between agents, creators denovas forms of sociability, different of the depoder or blood relations. In summary, the estruturasocial is present in the society and is related to at the outset dynamic concept of estvelcontrapondo of the society. The position, the social paper and the status are concepts similar for queambos are many times established through an effective, other people’s social context to the choices of each one. The fulfilment of the rights and duties of each umindependem of the position, the paper and the statussocial of each individual that composes one definitive society.