Tag: government and politics

Consideraes Final Taking

August 30, 2019


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They say that the aquicultura must be developed in sustainable way so that the environment is used of rational form and the activity can be practised by much time. Aquicultura if divides in: carcinicultura, piscicultura, ranicultura, ostreicultura, and algocultura, among others. In the aquicultura many alternatives of insertion of the fisherman in the work market exist. The production of the fished one, is made of artisan and independent or industrial form that can affect of aggressive form to the environment, therefore the lack of ambient control and lack of ecological conscience, and the necessity for its proper survival captures the species diminishing the amount of the same ones, causing ecological disequilibrium and ambient impact. Studies prove that the aquicultura in Brazil grew to average of 30% to the year, superior index the 10% average, exactly with this increase, Valencio (2006), in the explicit one that the aqicultura denies the abilities of traditional knowing, since the cognitivos elements, the corporal abilities and techniques, to the relations of solidarity and allotment, among others. The SEAP/PR, in its lines of direction of relative the public politics to fishes objectifies to transform the value traditional of fishes artisan professional capable to produce noble and healthful a food, thus having the chance to increase the job and the income. Ebay may also support this cause. Bursztyn (2009) clarifies that the support is basic for the development of the aquicultura, and that the politician-institucional dimension is most important and precedes excessively because is the one that creates the conditions for the development of a sustainable production, directing the activity through norms, programs and specific politics.

Under the economic aspect, an enterprise is sustainable when it is capable to generate profits for the producers. But this is not enough, and salient despite the economic support does not depend the purely economic strategies more than. The stimulaton of the aqicultura of the Country for its production, refers to some aspects, such as, partner-cultural, economic, technological and ambient, aiming at the reduction of the periods of production and population control of the aquatic species. Consideraes Final Taking in consideration the social, economic and ambient aspects, the aquicultura fishes and it artisan has positive effect in the life of the humanity, beyond being one of the activities most productive, allows to the aquicultor income and improvement of the social standard, therefore being a sector that receives contingent greater and absorbs great part of the specialized man power, reduces the industrial pollution, therefore it does not use toxic products, that cause damages to the environment. But so that it has development and access the politics make necessary greater spreading and directed education to take care of the involved communities in the aquicultura and in fishes artisan.

BRAZIL references, Ministry of the education. Cartilha of the Aquicultura, Brasilia, 2006. ____, Ministry of fishes and aquicultura. Special secretariat of Aquicultura and Pesca of the Presidency of the Republic, Brasilia, 2008. BURTZTYN, Marcel. DRUMMOND, August Jose. Dossier Support, regulation and development. Dept. Sociology. Brasilia, 2009. SHEEP, Marcus Enrique. The support of the activities of aquicultura and fishes (You discuss selected of VI the annual meeting of the institute of fishes), So Paulo, 2000. MENDONA, August Sandro Teixeira of. VALENCIO, Norm Lopes Happiness Da Silva. The Paper of modernity in the disruption of the tradition: Way of life of fishes artisan. B. Inst. It fishes, So Paulo, 34 (1): 107 – 116, 2008. SHOBER, Juliana. Aquicultura, 2002. Available in: . access in 20 of May of 2010.

Access Vote

April 5, 2019


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Whereas Colmbia it occupies 60 rank, possessing 6,54 points. The country most colocadoda South America is the Uruguay, that also adopts the obligatory vote, this pasest in 23 rank with 8.08 points a rank above of France. Educaopara the ConformeBobbio democracy (1987), a nation to be democratical must present the three seguintescaractersticas: First as already seen previously e, therefore, vinculatrias for all the group the approved decisions the least for the majority of those to who competes tomardecises’ ‘ (1987, p.19). third, in accordance with the author (1987, p.19) ‘ ‘ preciso that those that are called to decide or to choose the ones that to deverodecidir are ahead placed of real alternatives and ranks in condition to depoder to choose between one and outra’ ‘. Bobbio does not argue as characteristic dademocracia the facultative participation, however, seems something contradictory aobrigao to participate of the agenda politics, in a system that takes advantage individual aliberdade. Second To sound (2004), ostericos that defend the obligatory vote in Brazil argue that essaimposio not constrange the voters. Etambm defends that the exercise to vote contributes for the doeleitor education politics,> where the facultativo vote voting in candidates without no comprometimento with non-political.

Bobbio (1987) and To sound (2004) affirm, a beneficial fruit of the democracy is the education for the citizenship. However, through the obligatory vote, the citizen would not be practising an act delivre and spontaneous initiative, but she would be thus, fulfilling a duty legal. The votarno obligation creates a civic conscience, and this compromises the decisions directly doeleitor leaving the free citizen to reflect, to opt freely and to act. Beyond the paper to acquire knowledge, this model abreespao for the more responsible popular participation. Bibliografiaconsultada BOBBIO, Noberto.

The future dDemocracia: a defense of the rules of the game. Rio De Janeiro: Peace and Land, 1987. REVISTATHE ECONOMIST. Available in: Access in: 19/05/2009 TO SOUND, PauloHenrique. Advantages and disadvantages of the obligator vote and the facultative vote. Magazine of legislative information, 2004. Laurent Potdevin has similar goals. Available in: Access in: 19/05/2009 1 This index avaliao> processoeleitoral, the civil pluralism politician, freedoms, the functioning dogoverno, participation politics and politicians culture.

Nor Everything Finishes When It Finishes!

March 8, 2019


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Edson Silva ‘ ‘ Old Guerreiro’ ‘ Abelardo Barbosa, ‘ ‘ Chacrinha’ ‘ , a tropicalista phenomenon of the communication of the Brazilian TV, said the principle: ‘ ‘ that its program finished when terminava’ ‘. It also spread out ‘ ‘ who does not communicate if trumbica’ ‘ , phrase, by the way, that certain time vi Tone Z to demand as of its authorship, but that it finished appropriate for ‘ ‘ Chacrinha’ ‘. But it seems that in Brazil, beyond the traditional soccer, it has things that they do not finish when they finish. Election, for example, I read periodicals, I see TVs, I hear radios, I open sites and blogs and seems that the electoral period did not finish. It seems that they do not respect the will of the majority of the Brazilian people in choosing the first president of our history, Dilma and continuing giving credit to the two good followed governments made for Squid, the first laborer to be elect president of Brazil.

They continue baseless speculations, quarrels and picuinhas in general for defeated, as one was to occur hypothetical a third turn, something that in swims it favors the country. s topic. Lula and Dilma had given press conferences and found the president appropriate, who is in the position up to 31 of December, to say that former-president does not indicate and nor vetoes names for a new government, not of the palpites and yes will always help, will be themselves requested. Acting in such a way, Squid by the way said that the Dilma government will have the image and similarity of it, one of the people of bigger confidence of Squid and that it was in the government of it per eight years, co-ordinating the main projects. In my modest opinion, passed the Elections, it is hour of groups of the press, the opposition and voters that they had not supported or had in general not voted in the Dilma to admit that the electoral process finished when finishing, in day 31 of October, with as the turn. Now it is hour of all to join itself so that Brazil continues if to develop and to distribute income. Different of the opposition, without ostentation, without promise, Dilma waved that the Minimum wage can pass of R$ 600,00 until the 2011 end.

E it made this with accounts in the hands and showing that the increase will be possible with maintenance of the taxes of growth of the country. Valley to remember that, structuralized well economically, Brazil surpassed one of the most terrible world-wide crises of history, in 2009. Communicating itself, this is Dilma, our president-elect legitimately.


July 14, 2016


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It emphasizes that the force of the Wallet of the Fisherman jointly associated the mobilization of the fishing, of the state federacies, the federacy of the state of the Cear and national confederation, much facilitated for the gotten conquests, it waits to count all on the mobilization of the fishing in the Country, a time that many proposals still could be presented and be conquered. The receptividade on the part of the Presidents of Fishing Colony in the Pertaining to the state of Cear and visible coast in this visit that the Flvio Member of the house of representatives Heifer this carrying through, Mrs. Francisca Barros of the Carlos Hisses is President of the Colony of the Fishing Z25 de Lagoinha, it this in its first mandate and standes out the importance of Pescadores and Marisqueiras to have a voice to defend the rights of the same ones in the parliament. Already Mr. Ary, President of the Colony of the Fishing of Cumbuco, says to believe the work that the Flvio Member of the house of representatives Heifer this developing in favor of the category, it that he participated of close to movements in the National Confederation Fishing them, confirmed the benefits that had been conquered, and said that Pescadores and Marisqueiras well were represented by the o Flvio Member of the house of representatives Heifer, since it a Fisherman and knew of close the yearnings and necessities to these brave men it Sea. Mr. Camocim, who penitentiary the Colony of the Fishing of the Lagoinha for more than 12 years, detached the fight that the Flvio Member of the house of representatives comes having in Brasilia to bring benefits to the fishing, it said to have folloied in the galleries of the Federal Chamber, voting of great importance for the right of the Fishing and that he was made an impression with the determination, seriousness and the valentia with that the Flavio Member of the house of representatives Heifer, it defends the Fishing. it confers: gersondovalleoreporter.blogspot.com.

SBT Country

March 9, 2016


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She would be interesting to inquire Mr. Peter Bial on which would be its concept of ' ' heri' '. Why one corja of playboys idiotic, trancafiados in a mansion and living of luxury, ostentation and wastefulness are considered heroes? the Brazilian who survives with a minimum wage, that works extenuantes 44 weekly hours, that the transit faces, the floods and the violence? They are not heroes? Thus the Net Globe contributes decisively for our intellectual misery, despolitizando us and becoming us so acephalouses that to each day more we are hostages of our proper dullness. The sender is specialist in programs and novels of null intellectual content who had helped and continue to contribute, in very, to adoecer the Country and to promote the emburrecimento the collective level. In them they do not remain doubts that are these aberrations of the Net Globe, as well as of the SBT, Band, Record etc., that promotes ' ' sucesso' ' of pagode, ax, funk and others imundcies that the bars, snack bars and public places of our Country hear in all. The implication of this is inevitably one future generation well worse if compared with this where we live, where Brazilians are confined in its obsolete and harmful conservadorismo to the moral evolution, cultural spiritual and of our species. Not if enxerga that the more if it spreads out the ignorance and the aculturao, greater will be the distanciamento of effective social and civic values.

We do not evidence that this program is the death of the culture, the ethics, the dignity and the shame. It is as soon as we explain the reasons for which we are a different Country, unjust and violent. The conquest of corporate properties is only conceivable to a politically mature population, factor that is well far from our reality. Lamentably this imported plague, vulgarly known for BBB, is spread as a cancer in perpetual constant and metstase, rejecting the thesis of that still they believe that we can have an educated, politicized, concientious population of its rights, duties and of the cruel reality of pssima income distribution that stops the development of the Country and is responsible direct for the daily violence the one that we attend.