Tag: politics

Managing Director

May 19, 2024


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Importance of the electronic media for the politics or the colonization of the policy by the media? Till Sanga in a democracy the politics of the ongoing legitimacy of their intentions, actions and action successes lives. So the political communication in election campaigns becomes a core task of democracy, because policy gives the people and hence access to the political decision-making process allows. The media landscape in Germany is growing rapidly. This, the electronic media are increasingly plural and fragmented okonomisiert. Jones for more clarity on the issue. The consequences are that more and more media try with correspondingly smaller audience to generate profit to exist. Entertainment the Freestyle is the duty and information, on the other hand. Hombach and present with – Managing Director admits WAZ-Mediengruppe here however, that economic reasoning does not necessarily hinder the quality journalism, since there is a free journalism only on one secure economic basis could give. However he also stated, that the differences in media coverage is still low despite the increasing number of electronic media. “Hombach to follow the same sow at the same time on the same roads is driven through the village.” As regards the fundamental relationship between the politics and the media, sees the role of the media in the ideal ratio of policy Bodo Hombach as instrument, but even actor as chronicler, even if politicians hardly is disputed, that is the real power in the media to. To the graphic representation of the relationship of the media policy, Hanson tried the metaphor of the interplay between a cook and a waiter; the policy has to provide the recipes and cooking without a media spoon. The task of the waiter leaves Hombach, however, because according to his the media for the experts to no more than provide the space, problem solving and concepts to offer, but not policy should operate.