Month: July 2018

Curricular Parameters

July 5, 2018


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Moreover, the professional of physical education excuses to it a bigger understanding on the intervention of practical its in the sociocultural context contributing for the legitimation of this disciplines as component curricular indispensable to the school. The dance in my life rescued very my auto-esteem, due summaries that my schoolmates made when we would go to present some work. When knowing hip hop, I had the chance to develop my creativity in the dance, in view of that before it was not possible, and thus obtained to rescue values that the much time lost had had to the social factors. The dance, more specifically in the Hip Hop style is one of the contents to be worked in the Pertaining to school Physical education many times left of side for the preconception and indisposio of the professionals in developing it. According to national curricular parameters, had as reference of quality in the education of the country, the school has the objective to form the critical and participativo, conscientious citizen of its duties and rights. This document directs and suggests activities that must on the basis of be developed the ethical-social values: respect, solidarity, justice and dialogue. In such a way the development of this study if justifies a time that will go to verify which has been the contribution of hip hop while curricular content of physical education, in the formation of values in pupils of 6 to 9 year of a school Municipal School of Carlos Chagas (MG). FORMATION OF VALUES the Curricular Parameters of Physical Education – PCNs (1998) possesss as the one of its objectives development of a critical analysis of the social values as the standards of beauty and exacerbada competition that if had become dominant in the society and that they are had as factor of exclusion and social discrimination..